4 Most Common Indicators That The Flame Detector Of Your Heating Appliance Is Bad

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The flame sensor is an important safety feature in your furnace. This component detects whether or not there's a fire. When there's no flame, the detector shuts off to prevent a gas leak or an explosion. Due to its crucial role, you ought to hire an expert as soon as you notice issues with the sensor. Here are some indicators that your appliance's flame sensor has issues.

Intense Corrosion

The sensor may corrode or rust due to high humidity levels. Additionally, typical wear and tear can contribute to corrosion. Failure to clean your heating unit can also cause corrosion in your heating appliance's flame detector. If this happens, your furnace may start to short cycle. Consequently, your furnace may not attain the desired temperatures to warm your home during the winter. A replacement of this component may be required to restore comfort to the home.


The porcelain on your sensor may crack, which can affect how your furnace operates. For example, a chipped flame sensor may fail to detect temperature changes. However, it can be difficult to know whether your sensor is cracked. A common sign of cracks would be if your furnace constantly cycles on and off.

An expert technician has the skills to inspect for cracks within your flame sensor. If they find any, the professional will likely recommend a replacement. Once this is done, your sensor can function optimally while also safeguarding the safety of your household.

High Power Costs

Besides visible damage, a broken flame sensor can contribute to high energy costs. This is because when the component is in bad shape, your furnace can strain to heat your living space. Increased energy consumption may also result from soot building up in your detector and clogging it.

Moreover, a faulty sensor can overwork your heating unit. Hiring an expert to comprehensively inspect the flame detector enables them to determine the cause of your high power costs and sort it out. If the damage is extensive and affects other components, you may need to consider furnace replacement.

The Heating Appliance Shuts Down Right After Ignition

When you ignite your heating unit and observe that it shuts down right after a couple of seconds, the cause could be a faulty sensor. The sensor may be failing to detect heat and thereby closing the gas valve. This would then cause your furnace to go off and leave you in the cold. You might have to turn on your furnace repeatedly, which can be frustrating. Fortunately, a technician can check your flame detector and replace it to restore normal functioning.

Your flame sensor may present the above signs if it has underlying problems. If it's massively corroded and cracked, you need a replacement. This way, your furnace can serve you efficiently and effectively. Look into heating services near you for more information.
